DCA Membership Announcement Email and Letter

Get the Word Out!

The following email and letter are for new members to use (in part or in whole) to inform their current client base about their membership in DCA and the impact it will have on the quality of care provided to clients with dementia. The letter should be sent to all clients regardless of whether or not their loved has dementia.

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Email Announcement (Download here)

Hello [client name],

As a current client of [name of your agency], we thought you would like to know of our recent membership in Dementia Care Alliance (DCA).

We joined DCA in order to continue our education and improve our skills in caring for clients that have Alzheimer’s or a related dementia. We realize that caring for our clients with cognitive impairment requires a level of expertise that is not acquired by viewing a few videos or sitting through a few hours of dementia care training. On the contrary, providing appropriate home care for people with dementia is an ongoing learning process and one that can’t be achieved without professional support.

As an active member of DCA we have this professional support and training on a continual basis through Engaging Alzheimer’s LLC, a New York based consulting firm that serves hospitals, assisted livings, and home care agencies in establishing best care dementia programs and strategies of care.

There’s no fee to join DCA; we must qualify for membership by demonstrating a concerted, measurable, and ongoing effort to gain expertise in dementia care. Our membership is renewed annually, only if we continue to meet the rigorous standards of membership.

Membership is not without considerable investment on our part, but we have made the commitment because to do anything less would not be in the best interests of our clients with dementia.

Our membership also provides you with a direct connection to Engaging Alzheimer’s for education and support. Therefore, we urge you to subscribe to their free email broadcasts with relevant information about dementia and strategies to help you relate better with your loved one. In doing so, you will be completing the Triangle of Care necessary for successful outcomes.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.


[ranking officer of agency]


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Direct Mail Announcement (Download here)

Dear [client name],

As a current client of [name of your agency], we thought you would like to know of our recent membership in www.DementiaCareAlliance.com (DCA).

We joined DCA in order to continue our education and improve our skills in caring for clients that have Alzheimer’s or a related dementia. We realize that caring for our clients with cognitive impairment requires a level of expertise that is not acquired by viewing a few videos or sitting through a few hours of dementia care training. On the contrary, providing appropriate home care for people with dementia is an ongoing learning process and one that can’t be achieved without professional support.

As an active member of DCA we have this professional support and training on a continual basis through Engaging Alzheimer’s LLC, a New York based consulting firm that serves hospitals, assisted livings, and home care agencies in establishing best care dementia programs and strategies of care.

There’s no fee to join DCA; we must qualify for membership by demonstrating a concerted, measurable, and ongoing effort to gain expertise in dementia care. Our membership is renewed annually, only if we continue to meet the rigorous standards of membership.

Membership is not without considerable investment on our part, but we have made the commitment because to do anything less would not be in the best interests of our clients with dementia.

Our membership also provides you with a direct connection to Engaging Alzheimer’s for education and support. Therefore, we urge you to subscribe to their free email broadcasts at:


You will receive relevant information about dementia and strategies to help you relate better with your loved one. In doing so, you will be completing the Triangle of Care necessary for successful outcomes.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.


[ranking officer of agency]